
Have Your Say – Take Liverpool BID Company’s ‘Retail and Leisure’ BID expansion consultation survey

Liverpool BID Company began over 18 years ago. The company was among the first to be established  through the national pilot scheme and are now recognised as one of the most successful and established Business Improvement Districts in the UK.

Together, with broad public and private sector support from across Liverpool City Region,  Liverpool BID Company have transformed areas of the city, making them safer and more attractive.

Liverpool BID Company have also established a programme of art and culture events to increase footfall and economic activity – alongside working closely with businesses on numerous initiatives to improve and enhance Liverpool’s business districts.

In short, Liverpool BID Company have become an essential part of the city’s infrastructure, providing both a platform and a champion for business in Liverpool.

Liverpool BID Company, Chief Executive, Bill Addy, said:

“Our Accommodation BID Yes vote showed a sign of confidence and determination for BID to continue to serve the city. This year, we’re going back to our Retail & Leisure levy payers to seek a new ballot, securing for 5 years. We will be increasing the baseline for those to pay a levy to £45k.

“We are also looking to increase the size of the BID area to incorporate more of the city centre. The pressure on the public purse is acute, and a larger BID area means a greater level of investment into the whole city centre, vital if we are to attract investment, support the visitor economy and maintain the public realm.”

As the ever ambitious Liverpool championing organisation begins to prepare for their fifth ballot, the company is now proposing to raise their thresh­old to RV of £45,000 + and expand the current BID area.

In extending the BID area, Liverpool BID Company believe they will provide an opportunity to bring the city’s neighbour­hoods and quarters together, whilst improving connectivity, marketing, safety and environment; strategically, and thoughtfully, across the whole city centre.

Liverpool BID Map. Existing Liverpool Business Improvement district shown in green. Proposed retail and leisure expansion shown in blue.

Liverpool BID Map. Existing Liverpool Business Improvement district shown in green. Proposed retail and leisure expansion shown in blue.

Liverpool BID Company will support the expansion of the city centre with a cohesive, long-term plan that will further propel Liverpool  as  both a thriving destination, as well as a desirable place to live, work and invest and their existing levy payers will continue to shape the city and its future.

Please share your knowledge and thoughts on this proposal with Liverpool BID Company by completing the consultation below to let them know what you would like to see from the next Retail & Leisure BID.


Alternatively, scan the QR code below to head direct to the online consultation survey.

Liverpool BID Retail and Leisure expansion consultation survey QR code.