Liverpool 2018. Now’s Good
Inspired by the city region’s 365-day visitor offer, the campaign is planned across the UK with specific activity in five cities – London, Birmingham, Leeds, Manchester, Glasgow. The campaign will activate on outdoor, print and digital display platforms and is scheduled across three bursts to maximise reach and align with signature events. Working with the team at Culture Liverpool, we’ve been planning the launch to coincide with interest around Terracotta Warriors, the first big signature event of 2018.
Chris Brown, Director of Marketing Liverpool said: “Liverpool 2018 is a cultural programme of international scale and significance. It’s important the city region has visibility across the UK this year to communicate an unrivaled cultural and visitor offer.”
All the strategic planning and tactical delivery (design, media relations, social media) has all been undertaken in-house. The collaboration with Culture Liverpool has been great and the team has been creative and targeted in maximising our resources to reach target audiences and using different platforms and touch points.